FM22 Best Staff Coaches , Football Manager 2022 Coaches

Sorted List of best Staff, coaches in Football Manager 2022 Coaches sorted by abilities and area of competency to help you improve your coaching team with 5-star coaches. Best Assistant Managers 5 Star Assistant Managers in Football Manager 2021 AGE NAME CLUB P. MAN JPA TAC. KN. PERS. 42 Javier García - 20 17 15 Det. 61 Helmut Jungheim - 19 18 16 Prof. 40 Michael Beale Rangers 18 15 16 Perf. 51 Angelo Peruzzi - 18 15 14 Driven 54 Rainer Widmayer - 18 14 13 Resolute 47 Wesley Carvalho - 17 17 13 Bal. 39 Marco Ianni Lazio 17 16 15 Det. 61 Rui Casaca - 16 18 9 F. Det. 64 Pep Segura - 16 16 13 Prof. 53 Guillermo Amor - 16 15 13 Prof. 47 Marijan Kovacevic Kickers Offenbach 16 15 10 Bal. 50 Frank Kaspari - 16 14 13 F. Ambitious 74 Guud Hiddink Curaco 16 13 15 F. Prof. 47 Leandro Cuca - 16 13 12 Bal. 57 Mark Bowen Liverpool 16 8 15 Prof. 51 Rui Pedro Silva - 15 17 16 Balan. 49 Peter Krawietz Liverpool 15 16 16 Prof. 66 Giancarlo Finardi * Atalanta 15 16 15 F. Prof. 61 Rui Água...